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In brief
Call for Papers and Inputs

PEGNet Conference 2018

Improving the quality of education and learning outcomes in developing countries

MENA region

Incoherent German approach

A new study by the German Development Institute argues that Germany’s aid to the MENA region lacks strategy and coherence


Unaccompanied minor refugees

Child refugees from all over the world live in Europe

Social media

When the government spreads fake news

Because of fake news regarding Ukraine and Syria, regular Russian citizens no longer know what is going on

Limits to growth

Preventing systemic collapse

Club of Rome report calls for a new enlightenment for the "full world"

Child soldiers

Back to a normal life

A former child soldier from Colombia reports how she found her way back into society


Many churches, many names

Scholars disagree about whether Africa’s independent churches constitute a group of their own


People dying of hunger are “being murdered”

Jean Ziegler, member of the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee, urges the international community to end world hunger

Global governance

Fighting for democracy at home is not enough

Human Rights Watch accuses global community of paying insufficient attention to suffering in Yemen, Syria and Myanmar

Public health

A daunting challenge

In fighting cancer, awareness raising is an important first step

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Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.


The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.