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Elasticsearch Mini

Elasticsearch Mini



Fortifying crops

Bio-fortified crops can improve both nutrition and economic growth in Zambia

Easter Island

Song of home

A renowned concert pianist left it all behind to open a school on Easter Island


Moving a mountain of mangoes

Sun-drying mangoes solves a market-access problem for smallholder farmers


Malawi refuses expired vaccines

Malawi says ‘no’ to WHO advice to hold on to expired Covid-19 vaccines

Foreign doctors

Looking for a job

Chile’s health system attracts waves of foreign doctors but many can’t find jobs


Useful insects

Innovative recyclers are turning larvae of black soldier flies into animal feed


Reality check

A group of Libyan journalists is battling Covid-19 fake news in social media

Street beggars

Changing hearts and minds

Government tries ‘mind-set change strategy’ to clear Malawi’s streets of beggars

Forced labour

Slavery in all but name

Slavery is formally illegal in Brazil but in practice it is still widespread

Learning Chinese

The Mandarin road to success

Learning to speak Chinese opens a wide range of job opportunities in Zambia

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