
There is no democratic equality online

Freedom of speech and the internet

Diverse society

White South Africans generally accept majority rule today

South Africa’s white minority has lost its political dominance, but is still privileged in terms of wealth and opportunity

Rules of governance

Demise of Brazil’s democracy would speed up climate crisis

If President Bolsonaro stays in office, he will further undermine Brazil’s institutions of democratic governance


Elections in Kenya disputed once again

After the country’s 2022 presidential elections, the Kenyan Supreme Court is once again being asked to fix politics

Mental health

Mental health can be strengthened

In Guatemala, unresolved traumas from the past are a frequent cause of new suffering and violence

Post growth

“A good life doesn’t have to cost the Earth”

British economist contemplates an economy in which the goal is not unlimited growth, but rather an equilibrium between people and nature

Summer Special

Rahman Abbas: South Asian lessons from Nazi Holocaust

Indian author’s dystopian novel warns of harm that identity politics may cause

Media development

Experiences from Zimbabwe's regime of repression

A media conference in Hamburg will examine false information, hate speech and the role the media plays in this context

Economic meltdown

Sri Lanka’s new president is well known, but not popular

After dominating politics in Colombo for a long time, the Rajapaksa brothers have lost their grip on power

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