
Becoming agents of change

Young people in the Palestinian Territories deserve more say in public affairs


A longing to belong

All world religions emphasise peace, and any faith is soiled by rabid fanaticism in its name

Cadre organisation

Taken by surprise

Egypt’s Muslim Brothers are grabbing as much power as they can, but their rule is not firmly established.

Local government

Water investments in Peru

The Inter-American Development Bank assesses the flaws of participatory budgeting in Peru’s water sector

Globalisation sceptics

Many open questions

World Social Forum in Tunis boosts leftist, secular and feminist forces in the Arab world


Rough patch for anti-graft movement

India's anti-corruption activists need to reconsider strategy

Bitter Rivals

The people’s choice

Three weeks after the elections, Kenyans still do not know whether Uhuru Kenyatta will be their president

Trade union

No Revolution

Foxconn to improve workers’ representation a bit, but labour relations in China will not change dramatically

Local government

“More generous than you would think”

Participatory budgeting is about every voice being heard


Constant controversy

China's authoritarian approach to devolution proves that citizens' desires ultimately do matter

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