Election campaign

Lasting relevance of violence

Afghanistan’s two remaining presidential candidates share many policy ideas

Civil society

Protective encryption

Ways to protect online activists’ free speech from government repression

Rule of law

Assess new legislation early on

Before passing new laws, policymakers should assess their impact

Identity politics

A dangerous choice

Indian election result may yet spell violent trouble

Financial sector

A development bank for Mozambique

Mozambique hopes to stimulate its economy with the help of a new government-owned development bank


Direct democracy

After the financial crash in Argentina in 2001, citizens organised direct democracy at the local level


Women’s shadow councils in Palestine

Women’s shadow councils lend support to Palestinian councilwomen


All politics is local

Devolution of government powers to sub-national levels deepens democracy and serves long term stability


Access to better toilets

How to improve the sanitation situation in slum settlements


Appointed by the president

Why elected local governments would be good for Liberia

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