Middle East

Vicious cycle of radicalisation

After the end of the Arab Spring, authoritarian regimes are back in power, and Islamists set the tone

Summer special

Longing for a better life

Summer Special 7: The shattered dream of a better life in Fortress Europe

Summer special

A changing country

Summer Special 6: A novel about Ethiopia’s turbulent history

Summer special

Making fun of gender stereotypes

Summer Special 5: Rosario Castellanos’ farce “El Eterno Feminino” is an expression of Mexican feminism

Political violence

Hard times

Terrorism is undermining Tunisia


Demand for equal opportunities

Indian Muslims deserve equal opportunities, but are marginalised in social, economic and political life

Democracy and human rights

The Sachar Committee

Systematic neglect of Muslims, India’s largest minority


Clashing ideologies

Bangladesh’s crisis of civil liberties and human rights

After the elections

Testing times for Turkish democracy

What lies ahead for the AKP in Turkey after the election losses?

Researching conflict

Understanding ­Colombia’s war

Commission seeks to explain the causes of the conflict in Colombia

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