Identity politics

Failing India’s democracy

India’s dominant party is redefining “nationalism” in an undemocratic and authoritarian way


Assertive girls

Boxing empowers women and promotes social change


Games in times of crisis

Brazil is in turmoil, but the Olympic games are not one of the country’s problems


Trust in the rule of law

Merkel did not cave in to Erdogan in regard to satire


“People are not afraid to talk online”

In Mozambique, digital technology serves the freedom of speech

Extremist threats

Tunisia deserves attention and support

Tunisia’s young democracy deserves support in its struggle against extremism and poverty

Development agencies

Learning from other countries

International experience of digitalising the way development agencies work

Development policy

Opportunities and risks

Development policymakers need to deal with digital transformation and use new technologies themselves


Conflicts over natural resources

Myanmar’s new leadership has to confront a legacy of bad governance left behind by decades of military rule

The governments of South Africa and Brazil are in trouble

The governments of South Africa and Brazil are in trouble

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