Muhammad bin Salman

The Saudi Putin?

The Saudi heir to the throne wants to consolidate his power at any cost, and does not deal with opponents squeamishly

The WTO benefits from exchange with its critics

Argentina’s government is taking the wrong approach

How judges compounded Kenyan state’s crisis of legitimacy

Kenya Supreme Court tried to fulfil its mission, but it did not do a thorough job

Political foundations

Promoting democratic values

Germany’s political foundations are unique the world over

In praise of taxes

Market and state must complement one another


Nice try

A few changes might make the Mo Ibrahim prize more effective


Political dynasty

Togo is facing growing unrest

German science publisher caves in to Chinese censorship

Springer Nature blocks access to controversial topics

Accounting for history

“We’re looking at really big numbers”

British scholar says western prosperity was built on slavery, so reparations should be paid

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