
China’s leader gets stronger, but his regime gets weaker

Xi Jinping is tightening his grip on power

It was high time for Zuma to go

The ANC is deeply split – but that can be read as healthy sign of inner-party democracy

Our view

By force or by consensus

Why military power had better be restrained by civilian governments


“The state functions according to its entirely own logic”

An expert on the Congo explains who is operating militarily in the country and why, and what a peaceful solution might look like

We must choose between the SDGs and a world of bloodshed

Faith-based populism is an abuse of religion

Civil society

Third point of view

Young people and women protests against the Islamic Republic

Autocratic governance

Decades of military rule

A brief history of military rule in Pakistan

South Asian armed forces

They get along well unless they must shoot one another

SWP scholar explains why Pakistan’s military leaders have more political influence than their counterparts in India and Bangladesh


High-risk balancing act

President Joko Widodo wants the military to do more than protect Indonesia from external threats

Democratic governance

A mixed bag

ECOWAS is setting an example in terms of democratic governance, but challenges persist, according to Ghanaian scholar

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