
No transparency

The presidential election has only aggravated Honduras’ crisis

France is leading the free world, but cannot fill void

Human Rights Watch assesses western countries internal struggle with populists and the global repercussions

Military rule

The monarchy’s bodyguard

An end to military dictatorship in Thailand is not in sight

Tunisia’s young democracy deserves western support

Seven years after Arab spring, Tunisia’s socioeconomic situation remains bleak

George Soros

Mission inspired by Karl Popper’s liberal philosophy

The global reach of the Open Society Foundations


The path has been cleared for Hun Sen

Ahead of general elections, Cambodia’s government has eliminated the opposition

Public finance

Incentives to become formal

Even if rates are kept low, more formal businesses will mean more tax revenue in Benin

National revenue services

Broaden the base; close loopholes

GIZ adviser warns that tax exemptions often do not lead to the desired results

Reasons for trusting D+C in the era of “fake news”

Our contributors’ network is large, and does not add up to an echo chamber

Arab countries

Tunisia’s history of intellectual excellence

To what extent is Tunisian democracy a model for North Africa and the Middle East?

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