
This may be the end of the Atlantic alliance

Due to Donald Trump, the G7 is in disarray


Democratic empowerment

The NGO Penplusbytes is using IT to promote better governance in Africa


Fighting disinformation

To safeguard election violence in Africa, Ghanaian NGO fights disinformation that is spread on social media

Criminal justice

Preliminary evidence-gathering

African leaders’ criticism of International Criminal Court is refuted by its former South


Mexican power struggle

For the third time, AMLO is trying to become Mexico’s president


Opposition bemoans democratic setback

Referendum paves way for Burundian president to stay in office for decades

Fake narrative in The Economist

Who really is burning bridges in US politics

Horn of Africa

Huge challenge

To bring reconciliation to his troubled nation, Ethiopia’s new prime minister will need stamina

Letter to the editor

The quirks of misguided decentralisation in Benin

Reader continues discussions of our focus section “Tax disputes”

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