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Bürgerkriege, Konfliktmanagement, Peacebuilding
Peace building

Transitional justice and post-conflict recovery

Long version – Henrietta J.A.N. Mensa-Bonsu: Hard questions concerning transitional justice

Global challenges

Pay attention to co-benefits

Co-benefits – development efforts can reduce poverty and secure global public goods at the same time

SWP publication

The decisive challenge

SWP: Youth bulge results in greater economic opportunities – but also increases risks of conflict


Dealing with the past

Initiatives help young Cambodians come to terms with the trauma of the dictatorial Khmer Rouge regime


Direct aid

Grassroots initiative supports Syrian refugees in Beirut


A longing to belong

All world religions emphasise peace, and any faith is soiled by rabid fanaticism in its name


Endangered world heritage

ÖNZ: The DRC government is considering oil production in national parks – even though that would mean great environmental damage

Religious communities

“Dignity and self-esteem”

In Nigeria's Plateau State, deprivation is root cause of violence involving Muslims and Christians


To whom belong the bounties of the world?

The scramble for resources poses many ethical questions – and cooperation is anything but unusual


Problematic sale

Church-based organisations in Germany criticise their country's increasing arms exports

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