Bevölkerung, Familienplanung
Social insurance

Modernity has arrived

Population growth in Thailand is close to zero – and the average age across the nation is rising

SWP publication

The decisive challenge

SWP: Youth bulge results in greater economic opportunities – but also increases risks of conflict


“Health is a universal right”

Health is a universal right argues Gonoshasthaya Kendra in Bangladesh

Sub-Saharan Africa

Change people’s minds

Paradigm change needed in view of population growth


Protection from a collapsible tube

HIV: Protection from a collapsible tube

Reliable Data

“Uganda stands out in Africa”

Uganda's statistical office stands out in Africa

Responding to criticism

In defence of traditional birth attendants

In praise of traditional birth attendants in Bangladesh


One death every seven minutes

Deadly illegal abortions


More than midwifery

Indispensable traditional midwives in Guatemala

AIDS orphans

Ticking time bomb

How Tanzania reacts to the AIDS-related orphans crisis

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