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Organisationen (international, multilateral)


Investing in rural communities

Smallholder farmers are central to achieving food security. The UN organisation IFAD supports them with funds, access to markets and training


Relations with stakeholders drive GIZ success

While GIZ evaluation report shows good results in 2022, the agency’s leaders see room for improvement


Global pandemic preparedness measures

A new pandemic fund aims to protect the global community from another catastrophe

Sovereign debt

Why Pakistan’s economy is in deep crisis

Climate change and other global developments are severely exacerbating Pakistan’s home-made problems

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Political jargon

Why “global south” is not a useful term

Some powerful nations – especially China – do not fit into the dichotomy of a global north and south

German development projects

Seizing the potential of migration and displacement

Development projects must recognise and realise the transformative potential of migration and displacement

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SDG implementation

How to navigate complexity

Advisory bodies can help in the implementation of the SDGs if they involve all actors and coordinate diverse interests

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