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Organisationen (international, multilateral)


Prudent taxation requires national action plus global cooperation

Without adequate financial resources, no government can properly promote sustainable development.

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Development cooperation

Aid is problematic, but indispensable

Official development assistance has risen to record levels, but aid flows still often fail to deliver the intended results


The sustainability agenda humankind needs

As new experiences are made, development thinking keeps changing – slowly, but continuously

BRICS enlargement

Why more BRICS members are not necessarily better

By expanding to BRICS+, the group aims to position itself more strongly as a global player. But economic, geopolitical and internal tensions remain, despite or precisely because of the new members.

Global governance

Phasing out fossil fuels with climate finance

Fossil-fuel subsidies undermine climate protection and burden tight national budgets. Climate finance, if applied well, helps to reform subsidy systems in a socially just way.

Sustainable Development Goals

Inequality is getting worse according to UNDP

This year’s Human Development Report emphasises the relevance of global public goods and the need for international cooperation.

Global Governance

The drivers of change are at the local level

To support recipient countries sustainably, donor governments and institutions must respect regional cultures, argues Pirmin Spiegel, the director-general of Misereor, the Catholic development agency.

Global development

Facilitating constructive cooperation in a multipolar world

If the international community splinters into multiple orders, we will lose the race against climate change, social polarisation and biodiversity loss.

Multilateral organisations

What geopolitics have to do with golf clubs

International organisations rarely follow set rules with regard to the inclusion or exclusion of members. For that reason, Christina Davis calls them “discriminatory clubs” in her book of the same name.

Development policy

Germany’s development policy serves all people

German international-development efforts benefit not only partner countries, but people living in Germany as well

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