
Great achievement

In Burundi, women’s organisations want to see enforced a constitutional quota for female leaders at all levels of government

Ebola epidemic

“Run into the burning building”

Doctors without Borders: Ebola epidemic in west Africa requires international action

Civil war

Invisible victims

Exiled Syrians help fellow citizens in Jordan in private rehabilitation centres

Relevant reading

Participation and equal opportunities

Relevant reading on equal opportunities for people with disabilities

Habitat development

“Future development will be urban”

With Connective Cities, a new Internet platform helps networking of municipalities worldwide

International civil society

Reaching out to young people

For two years, Engagement Global has been working for development on municipal level, and is drawing a balance

Relevant reading

An alternative model of governance

The post-2015 agenda should be based on an alternative model of global governance

Civil society

Cooperation, not ­instrumentalisation

Support for civil society in developing countries is not a trivial matter

Civil society

Protective encryption

Ways to protect online activists’ free speech from government repression


Direct democracy

After the financial crash in Argentina in 2001, citizens organised direct democracy at the local level

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