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German ODA

No progress without India

Cooperating with a strategic partner

Military engagement

“If the French troops leave, Mali will collapse"

The French military intervenes in many former colonies


European languages are dominant in Africa

Divisive and unifying: English or French as an official language

Accounting for history

“We’re looking at really big numbers”

British scholar says western prosperity was built on slavery, so reparations should be paid

Colonial legacy

CARICOM demands reparations

The basis of the debate for reparations is the “CARICOM Ten Point Plan for Reparatory Justice”


Democracy is better

Why dictatorship is less efficient than apologists want us to think

UN 2030 Agenda

Data look harder than they are

The Gates Foundation’s new report series in support of SDGs needs to become more detailed

Social entrepreneurship

Companies financing foundation

Togolese company processes organic pineapples that French importers do not want

Social entrepreneurship

A balancing act

NGOs are founding companies in order to fund themselves with profits

Labour relations

One law for all

Bangladesh’s labour legislation has improved, but more needs to happen

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.