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The SDGs and the private sector

Study of German civil-society organisations claims that the 2030 Agenda needs to be safeguarded against corporate interference


History of a marginalised ­community

The British introduced the discrimination of transgender persons to South Asia

Social inclusion

Recognising a minority’s human rights

A new law confirms that transgender persons enjoy the same rights as other citizens do in Pakistan

Cultural loss

National disaster

The devastating fire at the National Museum in Rio de Janeiro symbolises the desperate political situation in Brazil

Disease control

No news can be good news

It looks like the Ebola outbreak in the DRC is under control

Summer Special

Amusing and philosophical

A documentary road movie about the African San holds a mirror up to western society

Political violence

Murdered hope

Civil-society activists are increasingly at risk in Brazil

Municipal development cooperation

Act locally – think globally

Many municipal development projects are actively involving migrants and refugees

Press freedom

Local media and violent strife

For dangerous work, war reporters deserve to be prepared – and paid – well

Expert discussion

Laying the basis for lasting peace

UN has shifted peacebuilding focus from international to local level

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.