Refugee children

There are very few educational opportunities for refugees in Lebanon

Over ten years after the start of the war, the educational situation of Syrian children and youth in Lebanon remains disastrous

Transition from dictatorship

Learning lessons of the past in Gambia

Why a truth commission must not only assess the facts, but also engage the public in a lasting manner

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Rural development

Making a village healthier

The German Institute for Medical Mission is supporting health care in Malawi by encouraging communities to take the initiative

Sahel region

Peace requires strategy

Researchers advise Germany's Federal Government to draft coherent strategies crisis and conflict countries

Rule of law

Covid-19 and human rights

Covid-19 measures endanger the human rights of prisoners, says a report from the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT)

Women’s rights

Partnering with women’s groups can curb gender violence

Local women’s rights groups are often overlooked when global aid organisations plan responses to humanitarian crises. This should change

Post growth

“A good life doesn’t have to cost the Earth”

British economist contemplates an economy in which the goal is not unlimited growth, but rather an equilibrium between people and nature


The first disabled member of Togo’s parliament

In Togo, activists have already achieved a great deal for people with disabilities

Human rights

Legal frameworks to protect disabled people

The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the UN’s 2030 Agenda guarantee rights to protection and participation

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