Elected government

The double message of Diomaye’s election victory in Senegal

The West African country’s democracy is alive, but Senegal’s citizens evidently resent western influence

West Bengal

Grassroots pre-school education in two Adivasi villages

Marginalised communities especially benefit from good pre-school facilities, for example in India

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Law enforcement

Police tactics put journalists’ lives in danger

In Kenya, police officers have adopted a tactic of masquerading as journalists to blend into crowds of anti-government protesters

Animal protection

New home for tortured animals in Bolivia

The Afasi wildlife sanctuary in Bolivia can only exist through donations and the efforts of volunteers

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Breathing space for politically persecuted persons

Hamburg offers breathing space for politically persecuted persons


Eerie sense of post-election calm in Nigeria

Why President-elect Tinubu, who expects to take office in May, only has a weak mandate at best

Government criticism

Protection for protesters by anonymity of the internet

Fearing life-threatening violence, demonstrators go online with their protest against the government in Zimbabwe


Women take on environmentally destructive ‘development’ projects

The African civil-society organisation WoMin mobilises women to resist land grabbing and environmental destruction

Girl's education

Nepalese girls still don’t have equal educational opportunities

The lives of young women in Nepal are determined by traditions and taboos, even though the constitution guarantees them equal rights

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Collective trauma

The man behind the Auschwitz trials

Fritz Bauer, a German judge of Jewish origin, is remembered in Germany for helping the country learn about what happened in the Nazi era

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