Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung
Knowledge building

Training local artisans to produce school furniture

Hoping to improve school conditions in Zambia by producing locally made desks for students

Financial transparency

USA tops this year’s Financial Secrecy Index

According to the Tax Justice Network, G7 members are slowing down global progress regarding financial transparency


Development cooperation must become more inclusive

Policy makers and civil society must recognise inclusion as a cross-cutting task – and so must international development and humanitarian relief

Economic meltdown

Sri Lanka’s new president is well known, but not popular

After dominating politics in Colombo for a long time, the Rajapaksa brothers have lost their grip on power

Kenyan election

Suggestion to legalise industrial hemp

A candidate of Kenya’s presidential election proposes to generate income by legalising hemp to reduce the high public debt

Traditional medicine

Why many Africans must rely on informal health care

Traditional medicine is often inadequate, though it does work in many cases and is comparatively cheap

Fight for survival

Underage “okada” riders in Ghana

The involvement of underage children in the commercial motorcycle taxi business is raising concern


Poor Kenyans complain about rising public debt

Instead of having shiny infrastructure projects, Kenyans would prefer to have more financial support from the government


Bringing businesses out of the informal sector

Governments and donor agencies worldwide do a great deal to strengthen the formal economy – but not all their efforts are crowned with success

Relevant reading

In promotion of small businesses, prioritise social capital

Indonesian economist says social infrastructure is more important than hard infrastructure

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