Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung
Aid effectiveness

Scope for better assessment

Scope for better country assessments at the World Bank

Global Governance

New centres of gravity

A note on global-governance reform

World Bank

The World Bank’s comeback

World Bank business is expanding due to global crisis


Equal rights

Relevant Reading: disabilities and development


“The leadership is nervous”

China’s policy in the global finance turmoil

Inclusive society

“Stigma matters a lot”

Enabling the disabled serves development in general


Diabetes as a development issue

Diabetes is becoming ever more common in developing countries


“Decisions should not be made in Paris and Washington”

Global financial crisis will compound problems related to high sovereign debt

Budget support

Double strategy

Budgetary controls need to be improved in developing counries

Civil service reform

“Achievements in less than perfect conditions”

Economic progess under less than perfect administration

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