Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung
Opportunities for the young

“Diverse forms of learning”

African education ministers are becoming aware of informal sector’s relevance


Problem, what problem?

Africans are worried about other things than China’s exchange-rate policy


Ask Obama

The rights to deposit savings, access credit and enjoy insurance protection


“Local roots”

Why microcredit programmes should be based on local savings

Poverty alleviation

“Employment in lean seasons”

Employment guarantees are boosting rural development in India

Comparing economies

Wealth measurement 2.0

Better ways to assess a nation’s welfare


Urban opportunities

Economic pros and cons of migration

Slow-motion modernisation

Encourage entrepreneurs

Enduring rent-seeking mentality stifles entrepreneurship in Mozambique

Illegal employment

Life in the shadows

Economic crisis hurts illegal migrants in Spain

International financial architecture

Restore the balance of market and state

Stiglitz Commission calls for new paradigms for global economy

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