Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung
Glasses for the poor

A better outlook

Poor people can afford the robust visual aids the OneDollarGlasses initiative has developed

Beverage industry

A poor nation’s beer conquers the world

How a pils from Manila became a global brand


Why cheap is expensive

Low consumer-good prices are misleading because they hide the true social and environmental costs


Back in the credit trap

Supposed model country Ghana is one again struggling with foreign debt

Public finance

No more cheap bread

In Libya, the government will soon become unable to fund fuel and food subsidies

PEGNet conference 2015

Leave no one behind

Controversial debate on how to tackle inequality and make economies grow

World economy

Managing globalisation

Former chief economist of World Bank praises globalisation, but wants governments to reduce inequality

East African economy
Development policy

Combatting inequality

Major inequalities in society are a potential cause of social conflict and economic under-performance


Bumpy road to development

Uganda’s poor road network is threatening regional trade and development

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