Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung

Big palm oil is making the rules

Growing demand for palm oil is changing agriculture in countries as far apart as Ghana and Indonesia

Gender relations

U-shaped curve

Young Indian women have great professional aspirations, but many dreams will not come true

Germany’s Federal Government

Promoting investments in Africa

Two German cabinet members launch joint initiative to boost private-sector development


Lessons from the USA

The widening gap between national and individual well-being might explain a large part of the US election results


Disasters waiting to happen

Failure to expand formal youth employment in Africa will mean more unrest, more migration, more crime and more religious extremism


Women want careers

Young Egyptian women do not accept traditional family roles


Still aspiring to ­change the world

Six years after the Arab spring, things look worse than ever to young Egyptians

Business leaders

Uncertainty is the new norm

Pakistan’s business leaders worry about what President Trump will mean for the former close ally

Ghana is setting a democratic example

Nana Akufo-Addo, Ghana’s next president, is facing huge macroeconomic challenges

Development policy

Europe in Latin America

European development policy has achieved several successes in Latin America

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