Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung
Information technology

Digital forces and ethical challenges

India must prepare for dramatic digital change



Digitalisation offers opportunities, but also goes along with huge risks in India


Four important tech trends

The meanings of artificial intelligence, automation, big data and blockchain


Generating broad-based wealth

UNDP innovation expert assesses pros and cons of new digital technology


Digital disruption

The digital revolution may make low-wage industrialisation less likely

United Nations

70 years of human rights policy

How human rights gained traction in the past 25 years

Human rights

A worrisome trend reversal

In order to resist the trend towards authoritarian populism, it is important to un-derstand what is driving it

Skills training

Low standard, wrong content

Why the MENA region lacks domestically trained ICT experts

Youth unemployment

Focused agenda needed

The MENA region needs economic growth and targeted interventions to get to grips with youth unemployment

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