Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung
Financial markets

Turkey’s lira in downward spiral

Trump has not caused Turkey’s financial problems, but he is compounding them


Brazil's IMF experience

In similar settings, Brazil’s experience with the IMF was much better than Argentina’s

Economic history

Always returning to square one

Argentina’s economic meltdown of 2001/2002 still overshadows new developments


Unconvincing rebranding efforts

The repressive stance of Zimbabwe’s government after recent elections fit the old authoritarian pattern

The dangerous downward spiral of Turkey’s economy

Erdogan and Trump are both acting recklessly

Debt restructuring

Alternative structural adjustment

The IMF needs to reform if it wants to maintain its legitimacy

Economic policy

Interfering in national sovereignty

Shortcomings and weaknesses of the structural-adjustment measures of recent decades

Development strategy

Multiple adjustment needs

The World Bank's mission is about more than crisis management

Fighting poverty

Successful debt relief

Lessons learned concerning multilateral debt relief

International financial institutions

More efficient multilateralism

IMF and Worldbank must heed lessons of past decades

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