Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung
International organisations

A reform agenda for the ILO

The tripartite setting of the ILO was useful in the past, but it does not represent the world of work adequately today

Global governance

Labour is not a commodity

The ILO was established to promote social justice 100 years ago – and that mission stays relevant

Development Investment Fund

Linking policies on development and trade

Private-sector involvement is vital for Africa’s world-market integration


Inventing narratives

Why a rational individual may knowingly follow an irrational market trend

Donor action

Bismarck’s tools for nation-building

Social protection is a driver of healthy economic development

Ethnographic study of a Swiss bank’s financial analysts

Social anthropologist has studied a Swiss bank’s financial analysts

Development strategy

“People have created poverty”

Anthropologist reframes poverty the result of plundering by a few people in rich countries at poor countries’ expense


One-man state

The policies of Turkish President Erdogan are destroying trust in Turkey both at home and abroad

Our view

Wisdom and foresight

To rise to the challenges of IT, the global community will need yet more political innovations


Digital farming

How digitisation can benefit commercial farms in India

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