Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung
Fruit industry

Multiple adversities

Pakistan’s mango sector is hurt by environmental changes and slow exports


Build back better

IEA wants stimulus money to drive climate protection


“Governance is fundamental”

UNDP chief explains how the concepts of “human development” and “sustainable development” are converging


Irrigation helps to cope with climate change

Irrigation is helping many of Zambia’s rain-dependent small-hold farmers to survive

Rising infection numbers

Gloomy outlook

Kenya is struggling to cope with the Covid-19 challenges

African perspectives

Triple challenge

In view of triple Covid-19 challenge, African countries must rely on domestic capabilities

Hard-hit country

Resilience tested once again

Nepal's government may need to reconsider its development strategy due to Covid-19 crisis


Count in human beings

Two Nobel laureates want economists to focus more on empirical reality

Climate protection

Appropriate carbon prices

Why carbon emissions pricing and carbon shadow pricing both make sense


Oil majors feel the shock

Multinational oil companies are under pressure

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