Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung
Latin America

Chile’s next president faces huge challenges

Chile’s voters want fundamental change – but stability is needed too


Germany needs more than double speed for climate targets

The German economy is recovering from the pandemic, but must change quickly for effective climate protection

Latin America

Winners on the left in Bolivia and Peru

The Andean countries’ new presidents face major domestic and economic problems

International cooperation

How to escape global crises

Only international cooperation can deliver global green recovery


The exhaustion factor

Burnout is taking a toll on Brazilian workers, especially those in health care


A push from development banks

Multilateral development banks play an important role for the economic recovery of Latin American and Caribbean countries

Latin America

Implementing a green recovery agenda

Latin America has room for improvement in using nature-based solutions, digitalising sectors, and improving transport and energy infrastructure

Green recovery

Reviving Latin American economies sustainably

Latin America and the Caribbean should focus its economic recovery budget on ‘green’ projects

Palm oil production

Poor working conditions

Palm kernel production workers, mainly women, toil under harsh conditions

Mineral extraction

In search of a fair deal

Burundi wants a bigger share of the income from the nation’s mining operations

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