Development and


Renewable energy

The social dimension of “desert power”

Research project on the social impacts of a concentrated solar power station in Morocco


Last exit

How the EU is contributing to causes of flight

Military affairs

Uganda’s Iraq-war veterans

Many soldiers from Uganda fought with the US in the Iraq war

PEGNet conference 2015

Leave no one behind

Controversial debate on how to tackle inequality and make economies grow

Summer special

Longing for a better life

Summer Special 7: The shattered dream of a better life in Fortress Europe

Safety nets

An underresearched topic

Recent publications on social protection in developing countries

EU meat exports

High development costs

EU meat exports

Social cohesion

Inclusive future

Why the rights of persons with disabilities belong on the Sustainable-Development-Goals agenda


Discussing "pro-poor growth"

Annual PEGNet conference will assess how growth can be made to benefit disadvantaged people


Pastoralists as stewards of the environment

In many parts of the world, livestock farming does no environmental damage; it actually helps conserve nature

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