Development and


Press freedom

Controlled media

Egypt’s journalists are not free to do their work


Military empire

Egypt’s military wields an enormous economic and political power


China’s efforts

China is keen on promoting sustainable development

Preventive action

Employers’ strategic advantage

A “call to action” urges employers in low- and middle-income countries to promote healthy lifestyles in the workplace

Tunisia’s young democracy deserves western support

Seven years after Arab spring, Tunisia’s socioeconomic situation remains bleak

Industrial policy

Pragmatism instead of ideology

State industrial policy should appropriately govern market processes

Blue Action Fund

Money to safeguard seas and coastlines

BMZ and KfW establish new trust fund in support of marine conservation projects

Protecting the oceans

A call to action

Many marine areas are at imminent risk of collapse, so experts are sounding the alarm


Rampant child smuggling

Many children are smuggled from Zimbabwe to South Africa


A life for the wilderness

Portrait of the South African environmentalist and human rights activist Andrew Zaloumis

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