
Forgotten heroes

Orphans who raise their younger siblings deserve special attention, not only in Nigeria

Child soldiers

Back to a normal life

A former child soldier from Colombia reports how she found her way back into society

Oxfam scandal

#MeToo in the aid sector

The Oxfam scandal damages the image of the whole development work

Global governance

Reducing waiting times

Why the WTO agreement on trade facilitation matters

International trade

The Trump jolt

Opportunities of international trade in the Trump era

No, Donald Trump has not triggered an economic miracle

Growth data can be misleading, and many business journalists are not paying attention

Child soldiers

Jobs instead of arms

The international community must end profiteering with child soldiers

Non-governmental organisations

Rising to a global health menace

NGO activism must drive whole-of-society response to non-communicable diseases

Press freedom

Controlled media

Egypt’s journalists are not free to do their work


Military empire

Egypt’s military wields an enormous economic and political power

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