Development and



Generating broad-based wealth

UNDP innovation expert assesses pros and cons of new digital technology

Industry 4.0

The digitalisation of world trade

Digitally-enabled trade on the agenda of G20 summit in Buenos Aires in late November


Digital disruption

The digital revolution may make low-wage industrialisation less likely

Skills training

Low standard, wrong content

Why the MENA region lacks domestically trained ICT experts

Youth unemployment

Focused agenda needed

The MENA region needs economic growth and targeted interventions to get to grips with youth unemployment


The exaggerated threat of robots

International competition is a bigger threat to Africa's industrialisation than the automation of labour


Development service as a place of learning

On mission, German development workers acquire skills, and better documentation would serve their careers


More must happen

Literacy rates have risen in sub-Saharan Africa, but reality is probably worse than official numbers suggest

Our view

Longer and better lives

Why nationalism and zero-sum thinking add up to a recipe for disaster

Economic history

Always returning to square one

Argentina’s economic meltdown of 2001/2002 still overshadows new developments

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