Development and



More things Eva von Redecker misunderstands

Advanced capitalist societies do have an idea of the common good


Von Redecker’s “revolution promoting life” is a distraction

Demographic trends show that global capitalism is not a death cult


Making Black people visible and strong

The organisation Future of Ghana promotes and supports young people with African roots in Germany

Our view

Sharing fundamental values

Immigration benefits host countries and often also countries of origin

Diaspora communities

To Filipinos, labour migration is normal, not unusual

Masses of Filipino women live and work abroad

Labour migration

Preserving the lifeline of migrants’ remittances

For many developing countries, reduced remittances and less foreign-direct investment are a double whammy


Do not expect too much of digitised education

Digitalising education in developing countries is complex and requires individually tailored solutions

Informal vendors

A battle for the streets

Informal vendors fight for the right to sell on the streets of Malawi

Urban life

Rio’s poor have reason to fear the police

The vast majority in Brazil’s poor communities are not involved in crime

Marginalised communities

Where Brazil's neglected people live

Favelas are a particular kind of disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Brazilian cities

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