
Balancing profits and staff welfare in Ivory Coast

Coliba is a young formal-sector company that specialises in the recycling of plastic waste in Abidjan


Growing dependence on Benin’s informal sector

In Cotonou and Porto Novo, economic slump has hit middle class hard

Foreign doctors

Looking for a job

Chile’s health system attracts waves of foreign doctors but many can’t find jobs

Social stratification

“The promise of well-paid, secure jobs did not come true”

Oxfam strategist Duncan Green explains why the economic paradigm seems to be shifting internationally

Forced labour

Slavery in all but name

Slavery is formally illegal in Brazil but in practice it is still widespread

Learning Chinese

The Mandarin road to success

Learning to speak Chinese opens a wide range of job opportunities in Zambia


Think local, buy local

In difficult economic times, Zambia encourages consumers to buy local goods

Continental Free Trade Area

A milestone for African trade

The African Continental Free Trade Area raises hopes that many trade barriers will gradually come down


Digital literacy would help Pakistan’s female population

Why most Pakistani women are denied digital opportunities

Women’s rights

How illiteracy perpetuates oppression of Pakistani women

Half of Pakistan’s women cannot read or write in any language

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