Development and


Experience of racism

“I do not define myself as a victim”

Turkish-German author Canan Topçu on her very personal take on identity, racism and exclusion

Social inclusion

Refugees offer opportunities

There are more refugees in Uganda than in any other African country


Consumers appreciate new taxi apps in Zambia

IT is making mobility easier and cheaper in Africa, but there are downsides

IT industry

Fighting Coronavirus with a computer game

Ghanaian computer game developer Eyram Tawia on Covid-19 impacts on his business

Green transformation

Crisis as an opportunity

Crises like the Covid-19 pandemic offer opportunities for eco-friendly stimulus programmes


Economic recovery in Ghana

Businesses in Ghana slowly recover from Corona slump, but rising inflation creates new problems


Innovative farming in a refugee camp

A soilless cultivation technique allows refugees in a camp to grow fruit and vegetables on a small space

Personal experiences

Covid-19 impacts worldwide

D+C/E+Z contributors from very different countries share their personal experiences on the Corona pandemic

Personal experiences

Covid-19 impacts worldwide

D+C/E+Z contributors from very different countries share their personal experiences on the Corona pandemic

Alcohol abuse

Unwilling and incapable of working

Alcohol abuse of men is a major challenge in central Kenya

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