Development and


Digital-waste management

TV sets for poor households in Ghana

A Ghanaian businessman runs two companies that tackle the problem of digital waste. He is in competition with informal waste recycling, which has a poor reputation because of environmental hazards and poor working conditions.

Women's rights activists

“We have taken several transnational corporations to court”

When workers are exploited or indigenous land rights are threatened, lawyer Alejandra Ancheita doesn’t hesitate to bring mining and energy giants before international accountability mechanisms.

Global trends

Around the globe, inequality regarding happiness is deepening

According to the World Happiness Report 2024, holistic, people-centred policies are conducive to a nation’s sense of cheerfulness.

Women in conflict

Rebuilding lives in times of crisis

Women in strife-ridden Cameroon are demanding the chance to set up their lives again despite ongoing conflicts. What matters most is that they are able to earn a secure living. The whole country would benefit from this.

Workplace sexual harassment

“If you refuse, he threatens to cut your pay”

Gender-based violence (GBV) in the workplace is still widespread worldwide. In Tanzania, there are several initiatives aimed at empowering female workers. However, there are still challenges, especially in the huge informal sector.

Studying abroad

International degrees, national development

In an increasingly interconnected world, higher education plays a central role in shaping the future of individuals and therefore the future of societies. In countries like Uganda, having a foreign university degree makes a big difference.

Poverty alleviation

Additional jobs mean additional incomes

Stefan Dercon of Oxford University explains why low-income countries cannot develop without economic growth and in what kind of settings growth-oriented policies are implemented.

Rural development

Africa must move on from subsistence farming

For too long, sub-Saharan governments have seen farming as something poor villagers do to feed themselves and their families.

Gender justice

NGO documents worsening plight of Afghan women

Islamist Taliban regime has effectively erased women from public life.

Sexual abuse

Sex for fish: the exploitation of female fish traders in Malawi

In Malawi, female fish traders face a troubling practice known as ”sex for fish,” where they are solicited for sex in exchange for fish supply.

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