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Overview extreme weather

International response to climate crisis must speed up

Extreme weather is causing increasing damages, and it is possible to reduce


Why central banks must pay attention to ecological risks

Climate change and nature loss can undermine both macroeconomic and financial stability


A future for the Pantanal

Traditional communities protect biodiversity of world’s largest inland wetland in Brazil

Our view

More fiscal space is needed when states prove too “small”

In response to multiple crises, governments must be able to invest assertively

Our view

UN climate summit in Egypt did not deliver on mitigation

In spite of land mark decision on loss and damage, COP27 was a disappointment


Industrial agriculture has failed

The solution to the present food price and hunger crisis is to transition food production to agroecological concepts suited to the location

Food prices

Number of starving people worldwide is again on the rise

Rocketing food prices are only partly due to shortages; food speculation and energy prices are key drivers

Financial sector

Experts debate on how to achieve green economy

Johan Rockström, the eminent environment expert, considers biodiversity crisis more dangerous than climate crisis

Global Governance

In Sharm el-Sheikh, loss and damage must be on the agenda

A Bangladeshi perspective on this year’s UN climate summit

Rural development

Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems

Why the FAO is promoting disadvantaged rural communities who live in intricate relationships with ecosystems

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