Development and

Elasticsearch Mini

Elasticsearch Mini


Op-ed voices

“The future of the human race”

Asian and African newspapers’ comments on special climate summit in New York


Protecting the environment

How people in Brazil can contribute to preventing natural catastrophes by protecting the environment


“Stricter than in Germany”

Uwe Hutzler: Setting sustainability standards in the tanning industry in Asia and the USA


Creating new standards

KfW supports energy-efficiency in Indian buildings

Forest protection

Bonus for early movers

KfW contributes to protecting Brazil’s rainforest

Multilateral affairs

Value for money

Post 2015, the developing countries must improve governance, and the rich world must do more to provide global public goods

Urban infrastructure

Public transport for 30 million people

Chinese megacity Chongqing wants to become a model for light-rail traffic


More knowledge, more innovation

Sabine Balk: Farms must become more productive to feed all of humankind in the long run


Cooking stoves kill

Over 7 million deaths annually are caused by air pollution, according to the World Health Organisation

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