
High-impact partnership for waste management

The cities of Moshi in Tanzania and Tübingen in Germany have formed a climate partnership.

Adult literacy

Getting back on track

Tanzania is launching a multifaceted programme to boost adult literacy rates


How to erode people’s trust during a pandemic

A second East-African president has suddenly died, and rumours abound about Covid-19 being the cause

Informal sector

Massive economic pain

Covid-19 has badly affected informal livelihoods in Tanzania, but the impacts on the entire economy are harsh


Civic competence contains corruption

In Tanzania, local structures in the countryside are empowered for the fight against corruption

Poverty alleviation

Reaching out to disadvantaged communities

Tangible Aga Khan programmes in East Africa


Focussing on people’s needs

How to bring santiation to marginalised urban settlements


Tanzania in the middle of the reform process

Obstacles to political decetralisation in Tanzania

Budget support

Greater accountability

In Tanzania, budet support is making in difference in terms of fighting corruptions

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Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.


The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.