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The euro crisis

The gap is narrowing

Global repercussions of Greece’s debt crisis


“The state of our nation”

The differences made by Liberia's first census in 24 years


Formal education must be of practical relevance

Higher school enrolment in Africa is leading to new challenges

Relevant statistics

Power in numbers

Kenyan women's rights activists base campaigns on statististics

Reliable Data

“Uganda stands out in Africa”

Uganda's statistical office stands out in Africa

Cooperation by the World Bank and IMF assessed

Cooperation by the World Bank and IMF assessed

Interview with Paul Romer

“Give poor people a choice”

Paul Romer's vision is to found new, well-run cities for millions of people

Financial inclusion

Banking the rural poor

Financial services have yet to reach the rural masses in India’s Karnataka


Give them a chance

Give young people the chances they deserve


Work brings security

Employment is a route to political stability in fragile states

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