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Women crushing stones

In order to survive, some women in South Sudan take to cracking stones

The ICC and Russia, the Philippines and the USA

If case is strong, International Criminal Court should not let USA off the hook


Preparing students for reconciliation

Libyan schools want to teach tolerance

Civil Peace Service

Dreams of a better life

GIZ photo competition in Lebanon results in pictures that illustrate young people’s visions


Displaced yet again

Many South Sudanese have become refugees several times

Criminal South Sudanese elite

New report reveals war crimes of South Sudanese officials

Sealing off the EU makes it harder to promote human rights

European leaders want foreign countries to make refugees stay


Disintegrating state

Tensions are growing and violence is increasing within Burundi’s security forces


“The worst is yet to come”

In the wake of the economic collapse, prostitution is surging in South Sudan

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.