Soziokulturelle Faktoren
Social media tax

Negative impacts

Social media use in Uganda is now being taxed, affecting businesses in a negative way

Human rights are universal, not western

Reconsidering democracy promotion


Men of God fighting each other

Tensions are common between the leaders of Uganda’s mushrooming evangelical churches


Cancer on the rise

Cancer is overtaking AIDS as the number one cause of death in Zimbabwe

Summer Special

Robbed identity

Uday Prakash is an Indian fiction writer who is interested in how poor people are marginalised and exploited

Summer Special

“Just being born a woman is a provocation”

French-Moroccan novelist holds up a mirror to a hypocritical society

Summer Special

Amusing and philosophical

A documentary road movie about the African San holds a mirror up to western society

Summer Special

Black revolutionary artist

The African-American Jean-Michel Basquiat rose from graffiti sprayer to artist of international fame

Municipal development cooperation

Act locally – think globally

Many municipal development projects are actively involving migrants and refugees

Emergency relief

“One of the greatest tragedies of our time”

Years of civil war have left South Sudan’s citizens with hunger and displacement

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