Soziokulturelle Faktoren

The important ways in which AMLO differs from Trump

To what extent is Mexico’s next leader a “populist”?


Blaming the women

In cases of rape, Ugandan politicians blame the victims – and the way they dress

Summer Special

Nordic tragedy in Afghanistan

Danish screenplay assesses ethical dilemmas faced by European troops in Afghanistan


Democratic empowerment

The NGO Penplusbytes is using IT to promote better governance in Africa


Fighting disinformation

To safeguard election violence in Africa, Ghanaian NGO fights disinformation that is spread on social media


Mexican power struggle

For the third time, AMLO is trying to become Mexico’s president

Medico partners
Transformative emergency aid

Aid in itself is not enough

Transformative emergency aid takes into account long-term social justice


Resilience makes sense

Local-level action can help communities at risk to cope with disasters

Horn of Africa

Huge challenge

To bring reconciliation to his troubled nation, Ethiopia’s new prime minister will need stamina

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