Soziokulturelle Faktoren
Organised crime

Paradigm change

To protect people from harm, the Global Commission argues that drugs should be regulated not prohibited

Social cohesion

Good progress with further room for improvement

How well India is doing in terms of fighting poverty depends on what yardstick is applied


History of a marginalised ­community

The British introduced the discrimination of transgender persons to South Asia


Protecting the young against violence

Laws in Ghana are supposed to protect children against becoming victims of violence

Social inclusion

Recognising a minority’s human rights

A new law confirms that transgender persons enjoy the same rights as other citizens do in Pakistan

Poverty targeting

Six main methodologies

How to identify poor people for the provision of support

Poverty alleviation

Costs and benefits of poverty targeting

The more accurate a poverty-targeting strategy is, the more expensive it is

Honour killings

Killed by the in-laws

Marrying between different castes is still a taboo in India, and will sometimes be sanctioned violently


Gangsters colluding with governments

Brazilian scholar warns that prohibition is compounding drug-related problems

Cultural loss

National disaster

The devastating fire at the National Museum in Rio de Janeiro symbolises the desperate political situation in Brazil

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