Soziokulturelle Faktoren

Opposition leaders set free

First achievements evident in national dialogue promoted by faith leaders in Cameroon

Sustainable Development Goals

The ambivalence of religions

Why religion can be abused for identity politics, but may also help to achieve SDGs

Identity politics

Increasingly aggressive

In spite of India’s constitution, Modi government is adopting aggressive anti-Muslim policies

Religion and development

Ambitious mission

Germany’s development policymakers want religious actors on board as partners for sustainable development


Digital surveillance

What Ugandan authorities are doing to limit the impact of online opposition voices


Loving Israel and hating Jews

The anti-Semitism of Trump and Netanyahu

US politics

Anti-Semitic Zionists

How Evangelicals have usurped Jewish American’s support for Israel

Mental health

Suicide on the rise

People who suffer from depression need better care in Malawi

Our view

Common ground

World religions share important principles, including peace, justice and charity

Ethnic conflicts

Tribal rifts widen in Zimbabwe

Underdevelopment is responsible for the rising tribal tensions in Zimbabwe

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