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The IMF’s huge loan to Argentina was not fit for purpose

The IMF made many mistakes in its $ 57 billion loan programme in Argentina. Here are some lessons learned

Transformation to sustainbility

New mindset needed

How to make transformation happen

Outdated paradigms

Shaping a common sustainable future

In view of environmental crisis, political economist wants economic activity, growth and consumption to be reconsidered

International cooperation

How to escape global crises

Only international cooperation can deliver global green recovery


A push from development banks

Multilateral development banks play an important role for the economic recovery of Latin American and Caribbean countries

Latin America

Implementing a green recovery agenda

Latin America has room for improvement in using nature-based solutions, digitalising sectors, and improving transport and energy infrastructure

Green recovery

Reviving Latin American economies sustainably

Latin America and the Caribbean should focus its economic recovery budget on ‘green’ projects


Empowering women and changing minds

Civil-society organisations are calling for the empowerment of disabled women who have experienced violence

Fair prices

Expert advice from the Netherlands

How the InfoBridge Foundation is promoting fair-pricing approaches

Fighting poverty

Setting ‘fair’ prices

What governments should do to boost the incomes of poor farmers and workers

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.