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Social change

Mexico is slowly inching towards gender justice

In spite of widespread machismo, there is some progress on women’s rights


Family planning is a woman’s right

Smart family-planning policies support women’s rights and empower young people

Gender-based violence

How Malawi is protecting disabled persons from sexual abuse

The Malawian government is investing in community awareness programmes targeting traditional leaders and families with disabled members

German development policy

What really helps women worldwide – sanitary pads, visas and loans

Germany’s Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development explains how feminist development policy contributes to making societies more equitable, resilient and stable

Gender justice

Pakistan is slowly moving towards gender justice

Gender parity is now within reach in the prestigious Central Superior Services

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Authoritarian dress code

Iran’s regime is trying to enforce hijab rules again

: In Tehran and other cities, many women are not covering their hair anymore in acts of public defiance

Our view

Sustainable development is inherently feminist

Feminist development strategies must dismantle gender inequality, because truly sustainable development depends on women


In Burundi, childless couples have a heavy burden to bear

Women and men report on the hardship of being involuntarily childless in Burundi

Women in conflict

Men must be held accountable

Women become victims in conflicts between men, so men must assume responsibility

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Demographic change

Slow decline of African birth rates

High fertility correlates with poverty – and compounds it

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.