Development andCooperation
Women demanding personal freedom are leading uprising against Ayatollah regime
Svenja Schulze on how the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development will promote women’s rights
Turkish-German author Canan Topçu on her very personal take on identity, racism and exclusion
Ghanaian computer game developer Eyram Tawia on Covid-19 impacts on his business
UNICEF reckons that one third of the world’s schoolchildren did not get formal lessons because of Covid-19
In Pakistan, the informal sector accounts for 75 % to the workforce and one third of GDP
Local women’s rights groups are often overlooked when global aid organisations plan responses to humanitarian crises. This should change
A clinic in Bulawayo offers free medical and psycho-social care to victims of sexual violence and rape
In many African countries males are often unwilling to get involved in reproductive health issues of their partners
Why men are closer to achieving a good work-life balance than women